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Multiple sclerosis is Lyme disease: Anatomy of a cover-up
Categories: Health
Perhaps the biggest ongoing medical scandal of the past hundred years is the fact that it has been known since 1911 that Multiple Sclerosis is caused by a bacterium, and that the Big-Pharma-controlled medical-industrial complex covered this up in order to make money selling symptom relievers to MS patients. At the lower levels there is no cover-up at all, but simply human nature at work, as we wrote about here, to dispel the notion that we are "conspiracy theorists". Since 1911, overwhelmingly much medical research has been conducted where living Borrelia bacteria were found in the brains of people who were diagnosed with MS.
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Time and time again. By at least a dozen medical researchers. In at least ten countries. Since 1911 ? the past one hundred years. Several older but also recent autopsy findings linked to in this article found that all deceased MS patients' brains harbored living Lyme spirochetes. Even when tests, notorious for their large percentage of false negatives were used on living MS patients, staggeringly many tested positive for active Lyme borreliosis.
posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Tuesday October 27 2015updated on Thursday January 26 2017
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Chromotherapy in Cancer
Categories: Health
In 2007, I posted two articles on this site suggesting that cancer had something to do with the energy mechanism of the human body. I am coming back to this through a comment on one of those articles by Viorel Bungau, a family medical doctor in Romania.
The two previous articles are:
Cancer and ATP: The Photon Energy Pathway
Could cancer be a functional deviation of the cellular energy production mechanism that is open to correction by relatively simple means instead of a genetic mutation that is passed down through cell division? Heinrich Kremer, MD, says that this is indeed the case. His hypothesis of a photon-mediated cellular energy pathway may turn out to substantially add to our understanding of what cancer is, and why such natural substances as curcumin may be effective cancer fighting agents.
Cancer: The ATP-Photon Hypothesis
Could cancer be a result of the functional degradation of a cellular photon absorption pathway that is basic to the production of ATP, the cellular energy molecule? And could tumor cells merely be executing an age-old survival program they retained from the time of unicellular existence? An interesting new hypothesis of cancer causation spells out why some cells all of a sudden start dividing to form tumors, and how that urge to sustained growth could likely be 'switched off.
Chromotherapy: The healing power of colors (image found here)
Here (with some minor edits) is what Dr Bungau originally posted as a comment on the second article...
CHROMOTHERAPY IN CANCERDear Professor, Medical practitioner,
I am passionate about cancer research. After years of study, we came to a hypothesis to be verified experimentally in collaboration with a field center. After many attempts (direct approach), no one has agreed to do this experiment. Please help make this research proposal possible. If proven true, it would change the medical approach to diagnosis and treatment of cancer and beyond.
Yours sincerely,
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Dr.Viorel Bungau
posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Saturday July 11 2015updated on Thursday January 26 2017
Inclined Bed Therapy: Tilt your bed for healthful sleep
Categories: Health
Inclined Bed Therapy or IBT is the brain child of Andrew Fletcher, who discovered in the 1990's that gravity actually helps to drive circulation of the sap in trees. From there, it was a short step to ask whether this was also true for animals and humans. This posed the question "why on Earth do people sleep flat?"
So Andrew suggested that people slightly raise the head end of their bed and see if any changes in their health are noticeable.
This is one of the numerous anecdotes ... stories of personal success people have reported after raising the head end of their bed by just five or six inches.
"Over two years ago I sat in the armchair reading a small advert which asked people to raise their bed by six inches at the head and to reply and tell what benefits had been noted. (No explanation was given)At the time I could not move my neck to my left or right side and it ached continuously. I was unable to sleep at night as i could not get comfortable. I was only able to turn by gently easing myself. It took about three to four turns. Getting out of bed was a major obstacle. I needed help to dress and undress.
I spent most of my nights in the chair with the result that I was always tired and had no energy.
My problem is osteoporosis of the upper and lower spine. I had tried hormone replacement therapy and wasted a small fortune with bone specialists and osteopaths.
I was resigned to living my days out as best I could, having been told that there was nothing more that could be done for me.I expected nothing but had nothing to lose, so Harry raised the bed by six inches. We did not take it very seriously but were happy to try anything.
On the fourth night I had the first full nights sleep since I don't remember when. By the end of the week I was sleeping naturally and turning over with ease. My dressing was a problem no longer, each day it became easier. I was able to turn my head without pain, right or left, to see the clock without getting up from my chair.
There have been many other benefits too. I have worn glasses from the age of seven years and I am now sixty eight years. Last year was the first time I was told that there was a small improvement.
My hair appears thicker, my hair brush needs cleaning less often.
Harry had a large suppurating scar since he was six years old. He has had to continually dress it all of his life. But now it has healed up. His ear which constantly gave him trouble with a discharge has now cleared up completely.
We both feel that the clock has been put back for us!"
Ruby, 2nd April 1998
Other such stories can be found on the Inclined Bed Therapy website
and on the facebook page with the same name
Continue reading "Inclined Bed Therapy: Tilt your bed for healthful sleep"
posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Monday June 2 2014updated on Thursday January 26 2017
European Food Safety Authority cherry picks evidence - finds Aspartame completely safe
Categories: Health
After conducting "one of the most comprehensive risk assessments of aspartame ever undertaken", the European Food Safety Authority has released its verdict on 10 December 2013.
The agency came to the conclusion that aspartame and its breakdown products are "safe for human consumption at current levels of exposure".
The EFSA press release says that this was an important step forward in "strengthening consumer confidence in the scientific underpinning of the EU food safety system and the regulation of food additives".
So the message seems to be that we should all just move on to other things. Leave aspartame alone and better yet - drink some of that "diet" Coke.
But should we really?
Could perhaps the power of money and influence behind big food have had a determining effect on that decision? We cannot be certain what exactly caused the EU regulator to give aspartame a clean bill of health rather than to acknowledge the sweetener's widely known dangers. Fact is - they disregarded every single study that showed aspartame to have adverse effects.
Prof. Erik Millstone of the University of Sussex Science and Technology Policy Research Unit believes that EFSA has arrived at its conclusion by opportunistic interpretation of the studies that were reviewed. Most of the industry funded studies were given straight A's, while independent studies were - without exception - given an 'F' rating. Millstone says that
"The EFSA Panel opportunistically accepted at face value almost all of the studies suggesting that aspartame is harmless, while entirely discounting every single study indicating that aspartame may be harmful, even though the quality, power and sensitivity of many of the studies that were discounted were markedly superior to those of the contrary studies deemed reliable."
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posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Sunday January 5 2014updated on Thursday January 26 2017
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Did Aspartame kill Cory Terry?
Categories: Health
Cory Terry Died After Drinking Red Bull, $85 Million Wrongful Death Suit Claims, is the title of a recent article in the Huffington Post that reports on a rather unusual death. Cory Terry downed a Red Bull when he finished a basketball game and a few minutes later he died of a heart attack.
Red Bull comes in different formulations, the dark blue normal and a - supposedly more healthy - 'diet' or sugar free version, which is the light blue one. To be sure, we don't know which one Terry preferred. Was it the normal or the diet version that killed him?
Betty Martini believes it was 'diet' and that the damage was done by a specific ingredient: the aspartame that supplants sugar in the diet version. Betty says she knows of other cases of athletes having heart attacks after consuming soft drinks that contain aspartame. She has been trying to alert press and authorities to the dangers of the methanol-containing sweetener.
I am reproducing her lengthy email here because she goes into considerable detail.
If you love diet drinks or know someone who does, read this or let them read it. The data might save your life.
Here goes Betty Martini...
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posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Friday November 8 2013updated on Thursday January 26 2017
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Retroviral particles in human immune defenses - is AIDS orthodoxy dead wrong?
Categories: Epidemics
We have previously published articles by the Australian AIDS-and-biology researcher Cal Crilly, and here is yet another installment.
Cal is someone who digs into scientific studies. He does biological detective work and finds gems that hide in plain view, things we don't normally understand and that even the experts do not see as they are not trained to put discordant facts together and question basic assumptions.
What this new article tells us is that retroviruses - the same kind that are thought to cause immune deficiency or AIDS - are useful and necessary for our immune system to function correctly. That of course tends to leave the hypothesis of a viral causation of AIDS in grave trouble. I say 'hypothesis' because no one has proven, or even come close to a coherent explanation for, the mechanism of AIDS causation by HIV.
How does a retrovirus that is by nature a benign particle, cause devastation of the immune system?
Here we have several scientific studies published in the world's finest journals, which attest to the fact that retroviruses are part and parcel of the human organism, that they are needed to provide certain defensive capabilities against invaders, and that they are not pathogenic.
So we might ask ourselves why HIV tests (thought to indicate the presence of a retrovirus) are still performed, and why doctors are still recommending the use of toxic anti-retroviral drugs to kill what, rather than a foreign invader, appears to be part of normal human metabolic processes.
Cal Crilly lays it out for you, citing and linking the sources...
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posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Sunday August 11 2013updated on Thursday January 26 2017
Vaccine damage in Great Britain: The consequences of Dr Wakefield’s trials
Categories: Pharma
More and more evidence is coming to light that Dr. Wakefield was on the right track when he researched the connection between the MMR vaccine and intestinal inflammation in the vaccinated children.
Was Dr. Andrew Wakefield Right After All?
Wakefield’s Lancet Paper Vindicated
New Published Study Verifies Andrew Wakefield’s Research on Autism
But how did Dr. Wakefield first get into the sights of the UK vaccine industry and how was the campaign against him mounted?
Martin Walker, the author of "Dirty Medicine" and a number of other books on health, closely followed the case that eventually resulted in Dr. Wakefield's exile from the UK. He describes how it all happened and how the vaccine manufacturers were able to bring down the full weight of government and the courts against both Wakefield and the many parents who were suing for recognition of the damage vaccines had done to their children.
"As a campaigner of 40 years, I think that what surprises me most about Dr Wakefield’s case, is how easily and how completely we were defeated by the pharmaceutical companies, how over a thousand parents and children were written out of history together with their adverse drug reactions. Part of this defeat for the parents, the children and the doctors concerned was grounded in an unfortunate understanding that pharmaceutical company executives were decent people and humanitarians. In fact the pharmaceutical companies, their corporate structure and their relentless pursuit of profit, their fraudulent practices represent one of the last remaining shibboleths, in our society which need to be completely reformed, democratised, divested of vested interests and made public from top to bottom."
We do learn from experience. That is why we should pay attention to how this case went so wrong and why the campaign to ruin those researchers and to leave the damaged children by the wayside was mounted in the first place. So it won't happen again.
Here is Martin Walker's essay.
Continue reading "Vaccine damage in Great Britain: The consequences of Dr Wakefield’s trials"
posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Tuesday March 19 2013updated on Thursday January 26 2017
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"Evidence Be Damned...Patient Outcome Is Irrelevant" - From Helke
The Individual Is Supreme And Finds Its Way Through Intuition
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