Health Supreme by Sepp Hasslberger



August 28, 2011

Vitamin C dissolves toxic proteins in Alzheimer's - Health Supreme NewsGrabs 28 August 2011

Treatment with vitamin C dissolves toxic protein aggregates in Alzheimer's disease


Brain changes that occur with Alzheimer's disease - Image found here

The brains of people with Alzheimer's disease contain lumps of so-called amyloid plaques which consist of misfolded protein aggregates. They cause nerve cell death in the brain and the first nerves to be attacked are the ones in the brain's memory centre.

"When we treated brain tissue from mice suffering from Alzheimer's disease with vitamin C, we could see that the toxic protein aggregates were dissolved. Our results show a previously unknown model for how vitamin C affects the amyloid plaques", says Katrin Mani, reader in Molecular Medicine at Lund University.

"Another interesting finding is that the useful vitamin C does not need to come from fresh fruit. In our experiments, we show that the vitamin C can also be absorbed in larger quantities in the form of dehydroascorbic acid from juice that has been kept overnight in a refrigerator, for example".

Vitamin A supplements for children could save 600,000 lives a year

Children in low and middle income countries should be given vitamin A supplements to prevent death and illness, concludes a study published in the British Medical Journal.

The researchers argue that the effectiveness of vitamin A supplementation is now so well-established that further trials would be unethical, and they urge policymakers to provide supplements for all children at risk of deficiency.

Vitamin A is an essential nutrient that must be obtained through diet. Vitamin A deficiency in children increases vulnerability to infections like diarrhoea and measles and may also lead to blindness. Globally, the World Health Organisation estimates that 190 million children under the age of 5 may be vitamin A deficient. But, despite widespread efforts, vitamin A programmes do not reach all children who could benefit.

FDA Propaganda Attempt To Destroy Dietary Supplements

FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg would use blatant and deceptive propaganda to attack the dietary supplement industry. As a self-proclaimed “zealot for the advancement of regulatory science,” Hamburg would like the consumer public to believe the earth is flat—and that dietary supplements cannot prevent and help treat disease. She is well-educated in science, especially neuropharmacology and the new genomic science, thus it poses a dilemma for her when study after study demonstrates the power of dietary supplement ingredients. These studies show that dietary supplement ingredients influence the human genome in ways that prevent disease as well as offer practical solutions to help treat most common, age-related diseases that afflict millions of Americans. Such diseases include type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and many resistant forms of cancer.

Instead of embracing the nutritional gene science and ushering in a new generation of health, happiness, and wellbeing for Americans, Hamburg has chosen a return to yesteryear, a not-so healthy, happy time. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is doing everything in its power to prevent the truth from being told.

The FDA is following Europe's lead here - all in the name of protecting pharma. So let's just destroy supplementation of nutrients, take those nasty things off the market. After all, too much of a good thing could be bad ... for pharma.

Pesticide contamination of organic crops ruled 'trespass' by US courts

After many years of having the legal odds stacked against them in favour of the companies making genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and the farmers who grow them, organic farmers in the USA recently won two landmark cases. Both rulings set a precedent that organic farmers can sue neighbouring farmers if pesticides drift across and contaminate the organic crops. Pesticides, of course, are central to the GMO issue, with Monsanto's Roundup Ready seed – engineered for resistance to the company's pesticide Roundup...

Microbiologist discovers new super-preservative

In one of those freak accidents that sometimes occur in science, where someone is looking at something for one purpose and finds another for it, Dan O'Sullivan has found a use for a byproduct of harmless bacteria commonly found in the human gut; called bisin, it appears to work as a sort of super-preservative for meat, dairy and eggs, allowing them to go unspoiled for perhaps years.

Eradicating dangerous bacteria may cause permanent harm

Dr. Blaser sounded the alarm to the medical community and to the general public, that the widespread use of antibiotics may be having unintended consequences causing permanent changes in the body's protective, friendly flora and causing harm to the body's natural defense system. This may be even more dangerous to health than the creation of resistant "superbugs," which have garnered much attention over the last few years.

By the time a child in the US or other developed countries reaches the age of 18, s/he has already had on average 10-20 doses of antibiotics. These are in addition to the antibiotics that may be given to women while they are pregnant, and which may affect the normal bacteria that mothers transmit to their children.

Well it is a fact that in the world of natural medicine and supplementation that this has been known for decades ... and it has become standard practice to prescribe gut-flora-reconstituting supplements for those taking antibiotics. It's nice to see that the medical community may eventually be catching up.

The dark side of prescription drugs

Mention of drug addiction typically conjures up images of strung-out users of heroin or crack cocaine. But a growing number of Britons are dependent on legal drugs, prescribed by their doctors, with a grip as unforgiving as that of their illegal counterparts. It is a problem that cannot keep being ignored.

Despite the efforts of campaigners, the blight of addiction to prescription medicines – in particular opiate-based painkillers and benzodiazepine tranquilisers – remains low on the agenda and largely unexamined. What glimmers of statistical light there are, are increasingly disturbing. Opiate painkillers are being dispensed at five times the rate they were 20 years ago, for example, while deaths involving codeine doubled between 2005 and 2009 alone.

Patients sue drugs firm over the diet pills that 'left them suicidal'

Obese patients who took a diet pill to curb their appetites are taking legal action after they claim it led to them becoming depressed and suicidal.

The Government demanded that the drug, Acomplia, be taken off the market two years ago after it was linked to severe psychiatric problems.

At least one person in Britain taking the drug committed suicide and there have been nearly 1,300 reports of other psychiatric side effects...

Vaccines - The Emperor Has No Clothes...

On Thursday, August 18th, 2011, a meeting was held in Washington, DC hosted by John Thompson - Deputy Director, Office of Environmental Policy, U.S. Department of State. It was very eventful.

The fact that the meeting happened at all cascaded shock waves through the vaccine promotional community. Why? Because the reality of this meeting, and where the vaccine situation is heading, shows that the carefully contrived world of vaccine promotion is crumbling - and, hopefully, it will never recover.

An un-signed "position paper, " magically appeared on the UN website announcing itself to be "The Position of the United States of America on Thimerosal in Vaccines." The paper, titled "Scientific Information Regarding the Use of Thimerosal As a Preservative in Vaccines" was a thirteen page, unsigned, from NO AGENCY, pile of lies and misdirection. it was so poorly done it was funny.

Vaccines - Primary Aspects of Vaccine Toxicity Affecting The Body

In practical terms, a synergy factor inevitably occurs when multiple ingredients such as heavy metals, live viruses/or strands of DNA-RNA “heat treated virus”, antibiotics, formaldehyde, detergent, diploid cells (aborted fetal tissue), mycoplasma, phenol dye & excipient buffers are combined together in a vial mixture.

Once these toxins are injected into deep muscle tissue or subcutaneously (either route which literally bypasses one’s natural barriers altogether), a cascading degeneration known as Ischemia, a singing of the neural pathways from toxic overload which prevents vital oxygen from reaching the brain, literally inhibiting normal development, often occurs; resulting in a series of what are termed “microvascular strokes”.

Technology: Quake-prone Japan looks at geothermal energy

Japan's parliament passed a law Friday to promote renewable energy such as wind, solar and geothermal by forcing power utilities to buy it at fixed prices and letting them pass extra costs onto consumers.

"Japan should no doubt make use of its volcano, magma and other geothermal energy," said Yoshiyasu Takefuji, professor of Tokyo's Keio University and a prominent researcher of thermal-electric power generation.

"The March 11 disaster caused a lot of sadness, but it has also changed people's thinking about energy."

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More information out there...

There is a lot more information out there about natural health and pharmaceutical medicine that I cannot cover ... but fortunately other sources for this kind of information exist.

Dr Mercola has a good health blog
Mike Adams publishes Natural News.
In the UK we have the One Click Group.
The Dr Rath Foundation campaigns for a New Healthcare System.
Natural health and nutrition on La Leva di Archimede
Food, Agriculture and more on the Organic Consumers Association site.

And remember...
"The individual is supreme and finds the way through intuition"

And since you got to reading so far, here's a little bonus. Check out this YouTube video about the WAYSEER MANIFESTO. For all you troublemakers and revolutionaries out there...


posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Sunday August 28 2011
updated on Tuesday December 13 2011

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