Does the FDA fear vitamins? - Health Supreme NewsGrabs 8 January 2011
USA: Now the FDA Is Going After Vitamin C!
The FDA has just notified small pharmacies that they will no longer be allowed to manufacture or distribute injectable vitamin C—despite its remarkable power to heal conditions that conventional medicine can’t touch.
Magnesium chloride and vitamin B-complex 100 are routinely added to intravenous C to make the “Myers Cocktail” - image found hereThe government, instead of banning intravenous vitamin C, should instead be supporting research into it. Even though IV C is being used in burn units around the world, including in the US, and has been adopted by the military for this purpose, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) refuses to fund any studies using intravenous C in patients. There are privately funded studies currently underway, but of course these cannot continue if the FDA bans the substance.
With at least one of the pharmacies, the FDA seems to be banning injectable magnesium chloride and injectable vitamin B-complex 100 as well. These two substances are routinely added to intravenous C to make the “Myers Cocktail,” used especially for conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, and infectious diseases such as hepatitis, AIDS, mononucleosis, and flu. The FDA is not going after the Myers Cocktail directly, but is rather attacking each individual substance used to make the cocktail, and may conceivably be going after injectable vitamins and minerals in general, despite such injections being given under the care of a qualified physician.
So the agency that is charged with protecting people's health is trying to prohibit the sale of substances that are vital for human survival and health(that's why we call them vitamins) while approving and allowing on the market pharmaceuticals that kill an estimated one hundred thousand people a year in the US alone, when properly prescribed and properly taken.The agency sure seems efficient about prohibiting something when it isn't one of their registered poisons that's being prepared and sold. Here you can see the warning letter they sent to a compounding pharmacy.
Zero Deaths from Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids or Herbs
The new 200-page annual report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers, published in the journal Clinical Toxicology, shows zero deaths from multiple vitamins; zero deaths from any of the B vitamins; zero deaths from vitamins A, C, D, or E; and zero deaths from any other vitamin.Additionally, there were no deaths whatsoever from any amino acid, herb, or dietary mineral supplement.
Donald Rumsfeld and the Strange History of Aspartame
Yes, that Donald Rumsfeld, the "knowns and unknowns" guy who remarkably executed some of the worst decisions in American foreign policy and got a medal for it. I have been reading up on this strange chapter in the history of...
Tomatoes found to contain nutrient which prevents vascular diseases
Tomato is already known to contain many compounds beneficial to health. In this study the team analyzed 9-oxo-octadecadienoic acid, to test its potential anti-dyslipidemia properties.The compound was found to enhance fatty acid oxidation and contributed to the regulation of hepatic lipid metabolism. These findings suggest that 9-oxo-octadecadienoic acid has anti- dyslipidemia affects and can therefore help prevent vascular diseases.
Vitamin D accelerates recovery from tuberculosis
122/126 patients in the trial (97per cent), had inadequate levels of vitamin D at baseline. Vitamin D deficiency is a very common problem in TB patients – a characteristic which may arise due to lack of sunshine in the UK, or to diets low in vitamin D. It is also possible that TB can cause vitamin D deficiency by a mechanism which is not wholly understood at present.
US sees massive drop in bumble bees
Weakened by inbreeding and disease, bumble bees have died off at an astonishing rate over the past 20 years, with some US populations diving more than 90 percent, according to a new study.Similar declines have also been seen in Europe and Asia, said Sydney Cameron, of the Department of Entomology and Institute for Genomic Biology at the University of Illinois, the main author of the study.
We are creating a dangerous environment for all kinds of pollinating insects. From pesticides to chemtrails, from HAARP to cell phone microwaves ... we're (quite literally) decimating them.Action: Check out the AVAAZ PETITION - GLOBAL BEE EMERGENCY
Sodium Fluoride is an EPA Registered Pesticide
Two of the public comments left during the period for open public comments stated that fluoride is too toxic to be used safely as a pesticide and that there are less toxic alternatives available. I am going to take a bit more risky and radical stance here, I will say I am fine with fluoride being used with precautions as a wood preservative, just get it the heck out of my nation's water supply. If our government stubbornly continues to put an EPA registered toxic pesticide in our drinking water, just what do they view us as?
Media Censorship - Top Censored Media Stories of 2010
Project Censored covers the top stories which were subjected to censorship by being ignored or downplayed in mainstream media reporting each year. The Project Censored research team is composed of over 200 university members of faculty, students, and community experts drawn from an international network of 30 colleges and universities. This team reviews each year up to 1,000 news story submissions for content, reliability of sources, and significance. The top 25 stories selected are then submitted to a distinguished panel of judges who rank them in order of importance. The results are published each year in an excellent book available at their website, at, and in major book stores.
British Bribery Law Worries U.S. Drug Companies
The Bribery Act, as the law is called, bars any company operating in Britain, whether foreign or domestic, from making an illicit payment not only to public officials, but also to private citizens or businesses. It also covers bribes between individual businessmen and applies, legal experts say, even when an individual making the payment doesn’t realize the transaction is a bribe.Officials at Britain’s Serious Fraud Office point to investigations by the U.S. Department of Justice into charges of bribery against drug companies and medical device manufacturers as the sorts of cases that the new law would allow them to pursue. In August, for example, the Financial Times reported that the Department of Justice had initiated an investigation into pharmaceutical giants such as Pfizer and Merck for potentially illegal payoffs.
The Battle to Define Mental Illness
(Wired Magazine)
Every so often Al Frances says something that seems to surprise even him. Just now, for instance, in the predawn darkness of his comfortable, rambling home in Carmel, California, he has broken off his exercise routine to declare that “there is no definition of a mental disorder. It’s bullshit. I mean, you just can’t define it.”
Psychiatric Drugs and Violence: A Review of FDA Data Finds A Link
There has been an enduring controversy over whether psychiatric medications can trigger violent actions toward others. A review of the FDA's Adverse Event Reporting System by Thomas Moore, Joseph Glenmullen and Curt Furberg, which was published by PLoS One on December 15, found that such "adverse events" are indeed associated with antidepressants and several other types of psychotropic medications.
UK: National Health Service told to end culture of overprescribing
NHS patients are being prescribed too many drugs with detrimental effects on their health and the loss of millions of pounds from the health budget, the head of Britain's drug safety regulator has said.The average 80-year-old patient is taking seven or eight drugs but many were not needed...
Speaking to The Independent, Professor Breckenridge, who has led the MHRA since it was formed in 2003, said an investigation had been launched into concerns about the lack of training of doctors in pharmacology. He called on the pharmaceutical industry, the medical profession and NHS regulators to reduce multiple prescribing and improve patient compliance, responsibility for which was "falling through the slots" between them.
Video: How The Body Creates Powerful, Life-Long Immunity Without Vaccination or Immunization
UK: Former science chief: 'MMR fears coming true'
A former Government medical officer responsible for deciding whether medicines are safe has accused the Government of "utterly inexplicable complacency" over the MMR triple vaccine for children.Dr Peter Fletcher, who was Chief Scientific Officer at the Department of Health, said if it is proven that the jab causes autism, "the refusal by governments to evaluate the risks properly will make this one of the greatest scandals in medical history".
He added that after agreeing to be an expert witness on drug-safety trials for parents' lawyers, he had received and studied thousands of documents relating to the case which he believed the public had a right to see.
He said he has seen a "steady accumulation of evidence" from scientists worldwide that the measles, mumps and rubella jab is causing brain damage in certain children.
Scientists fear MMR link to autism
New American research shows that there could be a link between the controversial MMR triple vaccine and autism and bowel disease in children.The study appears to confirm the findings of British doctor Andrew Wakefield, who caused a storm in 1998 by suggesting a possible link.
Now a team from the Wake Forest University School of Medicine in North Carolina are examining 275 children with regressive autism and bowel disease - and of the 82 tested so far, 70 prove positive for the measles virus.
Last night the team's leader, Dr Stephen Walker, said: 'Of the handful of results we have in so far, all are vaccine strain and none are wild measles.
'This research proves that in the gastrointestinal tract of a number of children who have been diagnosed with regressive autism, there is evidence of measles virus.
'What it means is that the study done earlier by Dr Wakefield and published in 1998 is correct. That study didn’t draw any conclusions about specifically what it means to find measles virus in the gut, but the implication is it may be coming from the MMR vaccine.
Vaccine Industry Deception, Propaganda
As far back as 2006 no fewer than 4 major pharmaceutical companies had applied for vaccine patents to combat a novel strain of H1N1 virus: GlaxoSmythKline, Novartis, Baxter International & Medimmune.Fast forward to August 6th, 2009. The World Health Organization released this statement from Geneva,
‘Ways were sought to shorten the time between the emergence of a pandemic virus and the availability of safe and effective vaccines. Different regulatory pathways were assessed, and precautions needed to ensure quality, safety, and effectiveness were set out in detail.
Some manufacturers have conducted advance studies using a so-called “mock-up” vaccine. Mock-up vaccines contain an active ingredient for an influenza virus that has not circulated recently in human populations and thus mimics the novelty of a pandemic virus. Such advance studies can greatly expedite regulatory approval.’
Even more sinister on June 1st, 2005 a team of microbiologists from Mount Sinai Hospital applied for a novel H1N1 Influenza Virus Patent. Why was it only approved on January 8th, 2009, just 3 months before the sudden outbreak in Mexico? …and exactly who funded them?
Douglas Rushkoff: The Next Net
The moment the "net neutrality" debate began was the moment the net neutrality debate was lost. For once the fate of a network - its fairness, its rule set, its capacity for social or economic reformation - is in the hands of policymakers and the corporations funding them - that network loses its power to effect change. The mere fact that lawmakers and lobbyists now control the future of the net should be enough to turn us elsewhere.Of course the Internet was never truly free, bottom-up, decentralized, or chaotic. Yes, it may have been designed with many nodes and redundancies for it to withstand a nuclear attack, but it has always been absolutely controlled by central authorities. From its Domain Name Servers to its IP addresses, the Internet depends on highly centralized mechanisms to send our packets from one place to another.
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"The individual is supreme and finds the way through intuition"
posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Saturday January 8 2011
updated on Tuesday December 13 2011URL of this article: