Codex Nutrient Reference Values - Health Supreme NewsGrabs 11 November 2010
Codex Nutrient Reference Values - STEPPING OVER STRAY DOGS
Stray dogs - a common sight on Santiago's streets.
The National Health Federation's Scott Tips reports from an ongoing meeting of the Codex Alimentarius Nutrition Committee in Santiago de Chile. Nutrient Reference Values (NRVs) which are in the same ballpark as RDAs (the daily recommendations of vitamin/mineral intake) were discussed in a Work group and in the full Nutrition Committee. As ever, the levels of nutrients thought to be sufficient to maintain us healthy are appallingly low (try 45 mg of vitamin C) and so the best course of action was to stall for a further review of the figures, in the hopes that science catches up and bureaucrats read up on the latest. The tactic was successful. For details, see Scott Tips' report on the NHF website.
Nutrition needs a PR campaign - THE SECRET POLITICAL ISSUE Part 2
Millions of advocates of health freedom see that no major political candidate, with one or two exceptions, voices their concerns or stands up for their right to improve their health by any and all self-chosen methods.To understand the landscape in which this deafening silence continues, we need to realize that the one industry which could and should make a difference—the nutritional supplement sector—is dominated by ostriches...
FDA goes after cheese ... made from unpasteurized milk
The government going after raw milk was something a lot of people could comfortably ignore -- fringe-y kooks making a lot of noise about milk that could be dangerous.But start messing with people's $22-per-pound raw-milk Camembert ... well, now you're dealing with serious food for more mainstream foodies.
Yet that's what may be happening. The five-year-old war on raw milk appears to be expanding to include a war on raw cheese.
Here in Europe raw milk cheese is often a very special delicacy, a tradition that no one would like to miss. Most anyone living here would just shake their heads at the prospect of a food watchdog coming after the best cheeses. But apparently the FDA's food inspectors are so dense they can't conceive of something good that hasn't been killed with a lot of heat before being eaten ...
My recovery from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Part One
I believe that Ashtok Gupta’s brain retraining findings and Martin Pall’s NO-ONOO- findings co-exist. Neither one cancels the other. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity is a vicious cycle. We do need to break the cycle at some point.
A year's worth of Vitamin C studies - Part III
It took two parts, to get through the first 20 of 150 or so studies, so I am really going to have to pick things up. To give a lay of the land, vitamin C is being shown to be useful in a truly astonishing number of indications, that said there have been some negative studies, to go along with frequent negative editorials and dismissive "reviews".I am not a big supplement user, actually I don't even take supplemental vitamin C every day, though that may change. That said, is it possible that just maybe we can start to look at the inexpensive, non-toxic, ascorbic acid molecule as a "medicine," a "small molecule drug?" How about if I say please? The data is all there in black and white, no matter how the editorialists and so-called reviews of the topic try to twist it. And really if physicians prefer to practice profit-based medicine over evidence-based medicine, well the patients can always just take a hike to the local health food store. Who wants to pay to put up with the kind of treatment that gentleman from Australia, and his family, endured to actually be able to efficaciously begin treatment with IV vitamin C? Such "ministrations" were callous, showing blatant disregard for the published evidence, incompetent to the point of being borderline criminal, all accompanied by a crippling bill and a haughty attitude. Western Medicine must change and go back to its compassionate roots or it is dead and if it doesn't then good riddance.
Relentless Tragic Marketing: Psychiatric Drugs from Cradle to Grave
We call it psychiatric oppression, the systematic, institutionalized mistreatment of those judged as “mentally ill.” This essay focuses especially on the ever expanding encroachment of psychiatric oppression to more and more of the population, and to individuals who are less and less in need of actual help. This encroachment takes the form of mass marketing for psychiatry and the pharmaceutical industry. One key aspect of oppression theory is the claim to virtue. For psychiatric oppression that claim is the notion that mentally ill people need their treatment; its growing extension is the concept of prevention, that potentially mentally ill people need treatment as well!
Glaxo Caught Lying to FDA - Now their dirty little secret is out
This from the NYT:The indictment accuses the Glaxo official, Lauren C. Stevens of Durham, N.C., of lying to the Food and Drug Administration in 2003, by writing letters, as associate general counsel, denying that doctors speaking at company events had promoted Wellbutrin for uses not approved by the agency. Ms. Stevens “made false statements and withheld documents she recognized as incriminating,” including slides the F.D.A. had sought during its investigation, the indictment stated.So, not only was Wellbutrin an antidepressant and a smoking cessation drug...Glaxo also wanted it to be a pill for weight loss!
Focus on HIV prevents us from curing a billion people, say scientists
More than a billion victims of some of the world's most pernicious ailments could be treated with drugs that have annual costs of less than 30p a person.However, the plight of these people is being neglected because resources are being monopolised in developing countries by three major conditions – HIV, malaria and TB – even though these diseases infect a much smaller fraction of their populations.
"People at policy level think that only malaria, TB and HIV exist in the third world. This is not true. Neglected tropical diseases as a whole – like sleeping sickness or bilharzia – cause more of a burden than these big-name diseases but are being ignored."
Ritalin Kills - The Story Behind ADHD
Between 1990 and 2000 there were 186 deaths from methylphenidate reported to the FDA MedWatch program, a voluntary reporting scheme, the numbers of which represent no more than 10 to 20% of the actual incidence.Our 14-year-old Son Died from Ritalin Use ...
"They made a list of the most common symptoms of emotional discomfiture of children; those which bother teachers and parents most, and in a stroke that could not be more devoid of science or Hippocratic motive--termed them a 'disease.' Twenty five years of research, not deserving of the term 'research.,' has failed to validate ADD/ADHD as a disease. Tragically--the "epidemic" having grown from 500 thousand in 1985 to between 5 and 7 million today--this remains the state of the 'science' of ADHD." ...
European Strattera Deaths Covereup?
While more than a hundred deaths have been reported to the US FDA as directly connected to ADHD drug Strattera, the sale of the drug in Europe has not resulted in any reports. Apparently that is not because of an absence of deaths but an active cover-up implicating drug maker Eli Lilly and the UK's Medicines Control Agency, which has been charged with collecting drug safety information on Strattera and informing the European Medicines Agency and other countries' health authorities.Janne Larsen, a Swedish drug researcher, has brought together data that indicate an active hushing-up of deaths from the drug in Europe.
UK: Drugs linked to brain damage 30 years ago
Secret documents reveal that government-funded experts were warned nearly 30 years ago that tranquillisers that were later prescribed to millions of people could cause brain damage.The Medical Research Council (MRC) agreed in 1982 that there should be large-scale studies to examine the long-term impact of benzodiazepines after research by a leading psychiatrist showed brain shrinkage in some patients similar to the effects of long-term alcohol abuse.
However, no such work was ever carried out into the effects of drugs such as Valium, Mogadon and Librium – and doctors went on prescribing them to patients ...
Benzos (Benzodiazepines) - one-stop information page
A page collecting and linking benzo information and benzo withdrawal in particular, put together by Gianna Kali, to give you all the incentive you may need to avoid and/or get off benzos.
Selling sickness and huckstering medications
In the United States, the appropriate levels for blood pressure, serum cholesterol, and a number of other physiological variables are defined by advisory panels at the Food and Drug Administration or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or other such agency. Those advisory panels typically comprise a majority of researchers who consult for drug companies and who are thereby inclined to the view that treating such conditions is a good thing. As a result, the levels of blood pressure, serum cholesterol, weight (body-mass-index), etc., defined as appropriate or desirable are periodically revised, always in the direction of favoring expanded treatment.
Vaccination Profiteers Gang Up on Hannah Bruesewitz in Supreme Court
By Evelyn Pringle
The American Academy of Pediatrics announced the submission of an amicus brief to the US Supreme Court on July 30, 2010, “joined by 21 partnering health organizations,” in the vaccine injury case of Bruesewitz v Wyeth, to support the powerful vaccine maker against a lone family.The American Academy of Family Physicians also signed off on the amicus brief. This group, along with its state chapters and Foundation, received a combined total of more than $5 million from Pfizer in 2009, and another $856,772 from Wyeth. In the first half of 2010, Pfizer gave the Family Physician groups $1,334,165
Another signer, the American Medical Association, received grants worth $751,500 from Pfizer and a $5,000 grant from Wyeth in 2009. The Association received $447,400 from Pfizer in the first two quarters of 2010.
Radiation from Cordless Phones Causes Heart Irregularities
This is the first study documenting immediate and dramatic changes in heart rate associated with microwave radiation exposure at levels of exposure well below (0.5%) federal guidelines in Canada and the United States (1000 microW/cm2). It points to the extraordinary inadequacy of current exposure guidelines to protect the public’s health.We're all part of a large, well financed experiment ... no one is telling us though.- - -
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"The individual is supreme and finds the way through intuition"
posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Thursday November 11 2010
updated on Tuesday December 13 2011URL of this article: