Health Supreme by Sepp Hasslberger



August 24, 2008

Cancer Journal invites Dr Rath - NewsGrabs 24 August 2008

Response by Dr. Rath to the Invitation to Become a Reviewer of the International Journal of Cancer
I am inviting you and your research colleagues to join us in a vigorous international effort with the defined goal to end the cancer epidemic forever. The scientific rationale to reach this goal is available. What needs to be done now is to organize a global effort to end cancer, involving science, medicine, politics and all other sectors of society.

This invitation is certainly a sign of changes to come. Whether the journal's editor in chief and head of a prestigious cancer institute will accept the rather tough conditions set by Dr Rath for a future collaboration is really irrelevant. Change will happen.

Vitamin D's wild days: Who to test, what to take?
Vitamin D and calcium go hand in hand. You need a lifetime of both to build strong bones. We get D in three ways: sun exposure, dietary supplements or certain foods, particularly D-fortified milk, orange juice and cereals.

Fortified milk, orange juice and cereals ... hmmm - I thought there would be a new pharmaceutical form of vitamin D, but I might have been wrong. Could there be an interest of big food industry in all those recent vitamin D studies to sell vitamin-D fortified wares? Personally, I prefer some sun once in a while and perhaps some D in supplements.

Another Great Vitamin B Raid coming?
Recently, Medicure Pharma submitted a citizen’s petition to the FDA asserting the all dietary supplements containing pyridoxal 5’-phosphate (the natural bioactive form of Vitamin B6 known as P5P supplements) should be banned. Medicure Pharma wanted to see this natural form of Vitamin B-6 banned from the dietary supplement industry in order to ensure the exclusivity of its drug product, MC-1.

EFSA health claim rejections 'shock' industry
Of eight assessed claims, EFSA’s Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA) rejected seven for failing to demonstrate causality between consumption of specific nutrients or foods and intended health benefits.

Patrick Coppens, the secretary-general of the Brussels-based industry group, the European Responsible Nutrition Alliance (ERNA), said the claim rejections cast an ominous first stone in a process that will see around 2800 claims assessed by January 31, 2010.

Not really unexpected that foods would have a tough time making disease related claims, and quite in line with what else is happening. UNICEF is careful to call a simple therapeutic food laced with vitamins a "medicine" (next article) and yesterday, Umberto Veronesi, Italy's top cancer expert and former health minister, has come out with a spin piece on "preventive" pharmaceuticals. He pushes such things as statin drugs and holds out hope for "predictive medicine" by identifying certain DNA alterations...

UNICEF advocate food supplement "drug" for Haiti health crisis
In an almost unprecedented move, UNICEF have determined that they have no option but to use a functional food supplement or 'therapeutic food', packed with vitamins and other nutrients, to avert a wide range of health problems that are linked to inadequate nutrition and poor healthcare infrastructure, particularly in children.

A UNICEF spokesperson, commenting on the ready-to-eat food supplement, made from milk, peanuts, and added micro-nutrients, said, "It is seen to be a drug and should be used in a certain way—in specific amounts and a certain rhythm. It is a treatment and it is important that it remains as such."

UNICEF, for all their faith in drugs, could hardly have done otherwise than use a nitritious supplement. There is no drug that can keep you alive if you are subsisting on a diet of lightly spiced mud cookies.

Safely and effectively remove lice and nits...
(link from - blog censored by Blogger. Check out his other site at )
Pediculicide POISONS do not remove nits; often do not control lice and are dangerous. Among the reactions to poison shampoo or lice "treatments" are autism, seizures, mental retardation, many different allergies and respiratory problems, strange tingling, burning, itching, attention deficit disorders, brain tumors, leukemia, cancer and even death.

Texas Suspends Psych Drug Program For Kids
A state mental health plan naming the preferred psychiatric drugs for children has been quietly put on hold over fears drugmakers may have given researchers consulting contracts, speakers fees or other perks to help get their products on the list, The Dallas Morning News reports.

The Children’s Medication Algorithm Project, or CMAP, was supposed to determine which psychiatric drugs were most effective for children and in what order they should be tried at state-funded mental health centers.

This recalls TMAP an earlier program not limited to children, exposed by whistleblower Alan Jones which seems to be still active and which has been copied by other states. Plenty of corruption still to be cleaned up here.

Nine Million Brits Addicted To Anti-Depressants, Benzos
The Daily Mail (UK) is reporting that as many as nine million Britons are addicted to anti-depressants, benzos, sleeping pills and pain killers. If it's nine million there, then it's likely to be at least three times higher in the US.

FDA reports new deaths with diabetes drug Byetta
The Food and Drug Administration said Monday it has received six new reports of patients developing a dangerous form of pancreatitis while taking Byetta. Two of the patients died and four were recovering.

Pretty bad when a drug for a condition that can be controlled by dietary means causes people to die of pancreatitis. What does the FDA? Require a warning.

In contrast, when a natural nutrient product causes similar trouble, the answer is usually to ban that product outright.

Double standard?

Draw Your Own Conclusion - Is FDA Doing Wyeth's Bidding?
This is a timeline of events that have occurred in compounding medicine, bio-identical hormone, and synthetic hormones in the United States.

Researchers: Merck Vioxx study was for marketing
The true purpose was to get lots of doctors and patients in the habit of using Vioxx just in time for its launch, according to doctors who uncovered internal Merck memos discussing the strategy behind the study, called ADVANTAGE. They did so while reviewing roughly a million Merck documents for plaintiffs' lawyers preparing for trials in Vioxx lawsuits.

Drug companies are widely suspected of doing many such "seeding," or marketing studies, but there's been no "smoking gun" proving it before...

Eli Lilly Grants Millions To American Psychiatric Association, others
The numbers are now out for the second quarter, an ongoign effort by Lilly to blunt criticism of its donations to various groups--they can now claim they are all transparent--that work hand-in-glove with the pharma giant to get lots of Americans diagnosed with mental disorder and sell lots of psych meds.

Once again, the APA raked in big dough from Lilly: $623,188. Add that to the $623,190 the group got from Lilly in the first quarter and that comes to a very cool $1,246,378 for the first six months of the year (and that doesn't count ads in the APA journals). The APA affiliated American Psychiatric Foundation took in $272,634. The APA is being investigated by Sen. Charles Grassley for its intimate relationship with Big Pharma.

UK Health Chief: ‘Perverse Incentives’ Raise Prices
In a scathing critique, the chair of NICE, the UK’s health watchdog, takes pharma to task over ceo pay and marketing costs, which he says prompt drugmakers to overprice their medications.

In an interview with The Observer, Rawlins warned of ‘perverse incentives’ to hike the prices of new drugs - including linking the pay of pharma ceo’s to stock prices, which in turn relied on keeping profits healthy.

Drug Companies – The New Sin Stocks
It is part of the American dream to put a dollar into a company stock today, and get lots of dollars back when you sell. The only modifier to this dream by some is an aversion towards “sin” stocks – avoiding companies that make alcohol, cigarettes, pornography, guns or provide gambling. But when I suggest that you pitch drug-companies into this same sin-bucket you probably think I’m joking. But I’ll let you in on my reasoning, which includes numerous lawsuits against the companies, lying by the company executives to market their drugs under false pretenses for profit’s sake, and drugs pushed on the public which knowingly harm more people with the side-effects than they ever help.

I swear I didn't write this one!

Is Colony Collapse the price of e.m.f. progress?
In this presentation to the beekepers' association in Glastonbury, UK, Barrie Trower outlines the physical basis of how, in all likelihood, pulsed microwave radiation from rapidly growing communications networks disorients and thereby kills bees, leading to the atypical collapse of bee populations world wide.

Canada: Discussing a ban on bottled water
... [of] all the comments from the bottled water companies who are objecting to the ban - not one - mentioned why people really buy bottled water. Unlike many they recognize the real reason why people spend oodles of money for bottled water - it is to avoid toxic city water!

Changing Games in the Global Casino
At last, the world is seeing the difference between money and real wealth, between “demand” in markets and the real needs of people without money. We cringe at the tragic pictures of poor people eyeing abundant, tempting supplies of food in the local markets around the world but who are forced to go away hungry or make their children patties made of mud, spices and whatever scraps of vegetation they can find...

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More information out there...

There is much I cannot cover but other sources for this kind of information exist and are active.


Dr Mercola's health blog and Mike Adams' Natural News have great health information.

The Alternative Medicine Yahoo Group is a place where you can discuss and exchange information on what is happening in the world of natural health.

For the influence of electromagnetic waves from radio, mobile phones and other radio emitting devices, check out the emfrefugee group on Yahoo.

If you are interested in a different take on the news that isn't health centered but is certainly fun, check out Robin Good TV News.

A few sites to keep up to date with the other side of world affairs, the stuff you won't necessarily find on your tv or in the papers:

... and remember,

The individual is supreme and finds its way through intuition


posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Sunday August 24 2008
updated on Wednesday August 15 2012

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