Health Supreme by Sepp Hasslberger



March 12, 2007

Health Supreme NewsGrabs - 12 March 2007

Sepp Hasslberger's News Grabs - a selection of alternative health news and related bits of information ...

In this issue:

HSIS on Antioxidant Vitamins -

CRN on Antioxidant Meta-Analysis -

IADSA Experts dispute Antioxidant Review -

Preventative Potassium -

Sparkling Beverages - Obesity, Diabetes -

Junk food 'makes teens depressed' -

Russian Vaccine Tests on Children -

UK Vaccine officials knew about MMR risks -

Global ADHD drug use triples -

FDA issues drugs warning -

UK: Child medicine additives -

Colloidal Silver To Be Removed From Market -

70 % of Antibiotics Given to Healthy Livestock -

Thimerosal guilty -

Mercury Rising -

U.S. Special Virus Program -

Mathematical Modeling of HIV Infection -

Biofuels Raise Questions -

Climate change Deniers -

War Against Conscience -

- - -


— Body of Scientific Research Shows Antioxidants Provide Benefits for Maintaining Good Health —
(US Council for Responsible Nutrition)


Preventative Potassium
By Alan R. Gaby, MD
Scientists have long known that eating a diet high in potassium is associated with a reduced risk of stroke. The potassium–stroke connection has now been strengthened by a study showing that potassium inhibits the function of blood platelets (Hypertension 2004;44:969–73), an effect that would be expected to protect against stroke.

Strong Evidence Links Sparkling Beverage Consumption to Obesity, Diabetes
The case against swigging soda just got stronger. A large systematic review reveals clear associations between consumption of nondiet soft drinks and increased calorie intake and body weight. Full-calorie soft drinks are also linked with reduced intake of milk and fruit and increased risk of type 2 diabetes. "Recommendations to reduce population soft drink consumption are strongly supported by the available science," concludes the review of 88 studies.

This is not to say that diet soft drinks are any better. Indeed there are strong reasons to avoid aspartame, the major artificial sweetener, and its close cousins just as much as you should avoid the sugary variety of these drinks.

Junk food 'makes teens depressed'
Dr Bamber told a British Nutrition Foundation Conference in London that several trials had successfully used supplements of Omega 3, which is found in oily fish, to relieve the symptoms of depressed patients. Levels of folic acid, selenium, zinc and thiamine were also found to be linked to depression and supplements had benefited patients. In one study more than 200 young offenders were given multi-vitamin pills and fish oil supplements, which brought a significant reduction in anti-social behaviour.

Russian Prosecutors Launch Probe Into Vaccine Tests on Children
Glaxo vaccines were tested on more than 100 children between one and two years of age at the hospital in Volgograd after Russian health authorities approved the trials in 2005. But prosecutors claim parents were not properly informed and they thought these were routine vaccinations. According to the prosecutors, Glaxo paid the clinic in southwestern Russia $50,000 to conduct the trials, which made some children ill. “According to the contract, only healthy children can take part in this experiment,” said a spokeswoman for the Volgograd region prosecutors, Lydia Sergeyeva.

Vaccine officials knew about MMR risks
Previously confidential documents released under the Freedom of Information Act show how officials gradually learned of the dangers of the Urabe strain MMR which caused encephalitis-type conditions, including meningitis. Involving swelling of the brain or of the lining of the brain or spinal chord, they can lead to brain damage, deafness or even death. The papers show that many months before the Urabe MMR vaccine was introduced in the UK, officials were made aware of problems in America, Sweden and Canada.

Study shows near-tripling of global ADHD drug use
The use of drugs to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, has more than tripled worldwide since 1993, U.S. researchers reported on Tuesday. And spending on such drugs rose nine-fold between 1993 and 2003, the team at the University of California, Berkeley reported. "ADHD could become the leading childhood disorder treated with medications across the globe," Richard Scheffler, an expert in health economics and public policy who led the study, said in a statement.

What is interesting is not so much that the use of drugs for ADHD tripled in 13 years but that over 80 percent of the increase is in the USA. There are a lot of youngsters on speed.

FDA issues strong warning on three top-selling drugs
In a public health advisory, the FDA warned that high doses of Procrit, Aranesp and Epogen may increase the risk of blood clots, strokes, heart attacks and deaths in patients with chronic kidney failure. Recent studies suggest that the drugs, which are commonly prescribed to cancer patients receiving chemotherapy, may actually make tumors grow faster and increase the risk of death, if given in high doses, says the FDA's Richard Pazdur, who announced the new "black box" warning. The drugs are synthetic versions of a natural protein called erythropoietin, which raises the number of oxygen-carrying red blood cells. Without erythropoietin, patients may become anemic, making them feel weak and exhausted.

Child medicine additive concern
The Food Magazine examined 41 medicines aimed at the under-threes, and found only one was free of the additives. The survey found four azo dye colourings, eight benzoate and two sulphite preservatives, and six sweeteners contained in the products examined. Preservatives were present in all but 10, and sweeteners in all but four of the medicines surveyed.

Almost All Colloidal Silver To Be Removed From Market In Near Future Through Stealth Federal Mandates
Nanosilver is used to kill harmful bacteria in food storage containers, shoe liners, washing machines and even bandages. Particles of nanosilver and other nanomaterials can be as small as one-millionth the size of a pinhead. However, the EPA, citing pressure from silver industry workers and environmental groups such as Natural Resources Defense Council, is investigating whether silver ions could pose an environmental threat by killing beneficial bacteria in the environment, or even harming humans.

Under the regulations, any silver product that claims it has antibacterial properties must prove the product is safe to be released into the environment. Mike Adams, a consumer health advocate and proponent of colloidal silver, suggested the regulations might work better were they aimed at antibiotics and pharmaceuticals.

70 Percent of All Antibiotics Given to Healthy Livestock
Every year in the United States 25 million pounds of valuable antibiotics -- roughly 70 percent of total US antibiotic production -- are fed to chickens, pigs, and cows for nontherapeutic purposes like growth promotion, according to a new report from the Union of Concerned Scientists. This finding -- 40 percent greater than the estimate of the livestock industry for all animal uses -- is the first transparent estimate of the quantities of antibiotics used in meat production.

"The excessive use of antibiotics by the livestock industry is sobering," said Dr. Charles Benbrook, an independent economist and co-author of the report. "Feeding antibiotics to animals from birth to slaughter may modestly improve meat industry profits, but it puts everyone's health at risk. It is time to rethink how pigs, cattle and poultry are raised in the United States."

The Jury is in, Thimerosal and other environmental toxins found guilty
The correlation between mercury, and the other toxins or compounds that influence autism have now been revealed. United Press International (UPI) Journalist Dan Olmstead along with researcher Beverly Crawford introduced information into the forefront of the case. With the article “Mercury Rising” published in Feb. 2007 in the Baltimore City Paper.

Mercury Rising
Ethyl mercury is also the active ingredient in a vaccine preservative called thimerosal. A maverick minority of scientists and a larger percentage of parents blame thimerosal--which is 49.6 percent ethyl mercury by weight--for the rising autism rate, up tenfold in 20 years to one in 150 8-year-old U.S. children, according to a report this month by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Some parents say they watched their children become physically ill and regress into autism soon after they got shots that contained the chemical--a link public-health officials call coincidence, not cause and effect.

Boyd Graves is about to file a complaint for full disclosure and judicial review of the U.S. Special Virus Program which he says is at the origin of a biological agent causing what is known as "AIDS". Here is his message:

Any comments, Any help with the filing fee ($350). Thanx for any help. Sincerely, Boyd Ed Graves, J.D. 619-849-9364

Is Mathematical Modeling of HIV Infection Good for Anything? by Rebecca Culshaw
One problem with all existing mathematical models of HIV infection is the simplistic treatment of CD4+ cells, which HIV allegedly "destroys" in some poorly-understand fashion -- variability in CD4+ measurements makes them almost useless in mathematical models, and treating all CD4+ cells as equal ignores the documented shift in AIDS progression among all CD4+ cells from Th1 (that "help" in cell-mediated immunity) to Th2 (that "help" in extracellular immunity and antibody production).

Biofuels Boom Raises Tough Questions
The problem is, ethanol really isn't ready for prime time. The only economical way to make ethanol right now is with corn, which means the burgeoning industry is literally eating America's lunch, not to mention its breakfast and dinner. And though ethanol from corn may have some minor benefits with regard to energy independence, most analysts conclude its environmental benefits are questionable at best.

Climate change: The Deniers
Canada's National Post has a series of articles on scientists who buck the conventional wisdom on climate science. Several articles by sometimes eminent scientists that challenge the contention that global warming is a bad thing, or that global warming is due to our emission of carbon dioxide.

Talk is rising of a ‘clash of civilizations’. But the problem isn’t culture, it’s politics – from 9/11 to Guantanamo, Iraq to Iran. This clash is not inevitable, and we don't want it. So where to start? The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the key symbol of the rift between Islam & the West. It's time to step up and take the initiative. Add your voice and when leaders meet in late March, our message will be delivered in a way they can’t ignore...

War Against Conscience -- A Satanic Rite?
"Statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by convince himself that the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception."
- Mark Twain's "Chronicle of Young Satan"


posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Monday March 12 2007
updated on Thursday December 2 2010

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