Health Supreme by Sepp Hasslberger



August 04, 2006

Health Supreme Daily NewsGrabs - 4 August 2006

Health Supreme's Daily News Grabs - selection of alternative health news.

New experiences 'improve memory'
Being exposed to new experiences can boost memory, research suggests.
UK scientists believe introducing new facts when learning, rather than repeatedly processing information, improves memory performance.

Maybe that is where the phrase "healthy curiosity" comes from...

Honey heals wounds faster than antibiotics
A new study into an ancient remedy now proves that honey helps the treatment of some wounds better than most modern antibiotics. The study, by researchers from the University of Bonn, Germany, has found that medihoney is a very effective healer, even healing chronic wounds infected with multi-resistant bacteria within a few weeks. The study was conducted in collaboration with colleagues from Düsseldorf, Homburg and Berlin.

Greece to host First International Forum on Apitherapy -12 - 15 October 2006
Apitherapy is the use of bee hive products such as bee venom, bee-collected pollen, royal jelly, propolis, beeswax, and honey to maintain good health and in the treatment of a variety of medical conditions.

Games for Health 2006 Announces Conference
Games for Health features the latest and most innovative ways that video and computer gaming are becoming a powerful influence on health and healthcare. Sessions will cover products and projects aimed at personal health, exergaming, professional health care training and skill development, epidemics and disaster response, obesity, and health messaging.

While not really alternative health - the program seems to approach health from a very much mainstream angle - the idea of using games to improve health care and health outcomes is very interesting. My comment to Ben Sawyer, the organizer: "Maybe a 'nutrition for health' game that draws on the experiences of non-mainstream people in the health area would be a good addition ..."

Strattera - 10,988 adverse "psychiatric reactions" reported in less than three years

Swedish researcher Janne Larsson says a UK report detailing adverse reactions to Eli Lilly's ADHD drug Strattera is being treated as if it was a state secret rather than being made publicly available so people can avoid the drug. According to Larsson, the adverse reactions are being blamed on the underlying "ADHD", rather than on the effects of the drug.

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posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Friday August 4 2006
updated on Sunday December 5 2010

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