Health Supreme by Sepp Hasslberger



July 28, 2006

Health Supreme Daily Grabs - 28 July 2006

I am experimenting with a new type of post on this site.

Every day, I come across a number of interesting news items and stories related to the topics of this site but I cannot report on them all. This is a new kind of post that brings you the links to stories I find interesting, kind of grabbing them as I go. Some of them are only links, others come with a short comment...

Here is the first installment of the - hopefully to be regular - Daily Grabs. It's your alternative health news service.

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VERY IMPORTANT ACTION ALERT: Say No to Fluoride Pesticides on Food!
With Fluoride everywhere from our drinking water, pesticides and drugs, even our cooking utensils, we are already getting far too much as most products use fluoridated municipal water for juices and watering crops.

Glaxo has bird flu 'breakthrough'
Here is GlaxoSmithKline ready to cash in on a market with a future.

Agriculture Department Drastically Cuts Mad Cow Testing
Already testing less than most other countries for Mad Cow (only one thousand tests per day, the US Agriculture Department has decided to scale down to 110 tests per day!

Doing a ton with ease?
Do we really want to live for ever? It’s far too important a question to leave to scientists...
Comments Paul: Interesting article on life extension from The Times, UK. Disturbing, isn’t it, that there are some people out there who seemingly do not deem us capable of deciding for ourselves whether an extended lifespan is desirable or not?

Anaphylactic children - canaries in the public health mine shaft?
Are vaccines responsible for the epidemic of anaphylaxis in young children today?

A quiz can't assess teens' mental health
One day last winter, the 15-year-old daughter of Michael and Teresa Rhoades came home from her Mishawaka school with questions. Hey Mom, she asked, what's obsessive-compulsive disorder? How about social anxiety disorder?

Stop TeenScreen - sign petition

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posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Friday July 28 2006
updated on Friday September 26 2008

URL of this article:





Readers' Comments

My husband installed a PUR
water filter on our kitchen.
Does anyone know exactly what
we are being protected from?

Posted by: Mary Lou on July 28, 2006 02:51 PM



An option to receive these mailings in *text only* format would be good :-)

Posted by: Patrick Vessey on July 30, 2006 09:58 PM



Feedblitz, the service that does the notifications, does have a choice of either HTML or TEXT mailings.

You need to go to the feed blitz site,

go to "Dashboard login", go to "My profile" and you will find a switch between HTML and TEXT subscription.

Posted by: Sepp on July 31, 2006 01:27 AM


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